For the first time today my mom said
"You're almost twenty years old..."
she said it in such a way that made me realize that.... I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS OLD!!!!
It hadn't kicked in until now. I have only a few months left to say that i'm still a teenager. Don't get me wrong, being 20 is awesome but, sometimes, I still feel like im 15 years old. I like being naive, i like being immature sometimes, I like being silly. I guess you can still do all these things as you get older but you also have many other important things to worry about.
There's something scary about being 20. It reinforces the idea that you're already an adult, it means having to take responsability of your own actions, making desicions for yourself, being independent. For me, this is a scary yet exciting transition in my life. It's a huge step I have to take even if i don't want to because we can't stop time.
Hahaha, and thank gosh i still have a few months to get used to the idea of not beign a kid anymore!
I don't know about you, but I
believe that the little things in life make all the difference in the world. I believe that the small things people do out of custom or out of courtesy can create the most special moments, those moments that you remember the most. Like someone getting out of their way to get the door for you, unexpectedly having a friend carry your book, friends that go up to a teacher with you when you have a question and don't want to go all by yourself because your teacher is intimidating, or a person getting a snack for you without you asking. For me, those little things have the biggest value.
There's also beauty in the everyday things that seem boring or monotonous. I remember I used to sit and read at this one place by my high school's auditorium whenever winter was just approaching and the weather was actually nice to sit outside. It was just a bench in front of a building, but to me it was the most beautiful and special place in my high school. A small and skinny tree was in front of that bench and when the wind would come all its leaves would move and you could hear them rustling
against each other. I would close my eyes and just listen to the moving leaves while feeling the warm sunlight
against my face. Those were the most special moments I had in high school.
I had another one of those very special moments today. I had lunch with my mom. Just me and her. It was the loveliest moment I had all week. I'm so busy with school that I hardly ever spend time with my family anymore. I only see my parents for about an hour or two each day so it was nice that I could spend time with my mom and tell her about what's going on in my life and just sit with her and eat and know that we are still there for each other. To anyone else this might seem like an ordinary thing but like I said, the ordinary things sometimes turn out to be the most extraordinary, loveliest, and important things in our lives.
Today I had to travel by light rail for about an hour to get to downtown Phoenix. I find traveling by myself pretty scary, but the it's also a part of growing up and, in that sense I guess it is an exciting thought.
On my way back to my final destination, a family of four got on the light rail along with their bikes. The dad and mom were in their mid-thirties and the two kids couldn't have been older than ten years old. The couple seemed very young, athletic and loving. That's what I want in the future. I want to have a family that looks as perfect as theirs did. I know, I know, families are NEVER perfect, but theirs seemed to be that way.
I want to have a family like theirs, have two kids (maybe more) and take them out for rides..on a MONDAY for god's sake!!! I want them to enjoy the little things in life as well as the big ones. I aspire to have a happy ending. I aspire to know that all the troubles from early life will end at the begging of a good career, a good and stable marriage with beautiful kids and just an overall feeling of happiness.
But of course, these are all aspirations that i hope will not happen anytime in the near future or at least not until I'm done with medical school.
About two weeks ago I went to this increadible show called STREB and to my surprise, the couple I talked about in this post was there. So...they also go to shows on a Friday night?

"The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing."-Jim RohnEvery year, my parents ask me what I want for my birthday and my response is always:
i don't know.Upon wondering on this idea, I became aware that maybe I don't how answer this question because most of the things I desire the most-"most" being the key word- are not necessarily something they can buy. This sounds incredibly absurd and cliche, I know, but it really is true.
One thing I've realized about myself is that I hardly know what I want. I'm very indecisive, i can't make up my mind. It's really hard for me to make a quick decision without regretting it a few minutes later, but regardless, there are a few things that I know want, need, and would like to experience more often.
I'd Like...I Want...I Need (no specific order of importance):
- more rainy days in Arizona.
- to move to Seattle
- a boy to hold my hand unexpectedly while walking.
- more variety and chic accessories in my closet
- I want/need/ would like a few pounds to magically disappear in order for #4 to actually happen
- to feel smart once again
- someone to dedicate a love song to me
- learn how to ice skate.
- to be less clumsy
- to spend more time around kids (and them actually enjoy being around me)
- to learn how to write like my brother does
- a person to give me a hug out of the blue because they know that hugs always cheer me up after a bad day...or even if it hasn't been a bad day. Hugs are always nice when you get them from people who mean something to you.
- to know what falling in love feels like
- go to a Chromeo concert
- to meet new people
- someone to tell me everything is going to be alright when everything tells me that it won't
- to know that I'll make it to medical school
- don't want to regret so many things
- to forget the past and gain confidence
- to go to the ocean more often
- a pair of new flats or super comfortable shoes
- to truly experience a sunrise or sunset
- a new, and great looking haircut
- to be more outgoing
- i want to learn how to show my emotions instead of hiding them
- to be able to actually make it clear that I like a boy instead of ignoring him because I'm afraid he'll find out that I like him.
- my braces to come off and have a nice smile
- to get out of the city and go to the countryside
- i need to pay more attention to my family and show that I actually care
- to take more risks and not over-analyze everything
- to learn how to make great "small talk" as well as long lasting deep conversations
- to go to a park and just lay down on the grass to look at the sky
- to learn how to be a better person so I can be the woman I've always wanted to be
*sigh...long list isn't it?
Currently Listening To: "Melt My Heart To Stone" by Adele.
'Ello, my name is Italia A. I'm a 19 year old who is starting to question things about herself and her surroundings more than ever before .
This blog is the result of having gotten rid of facebook, myspace, and twitter in hopes of focusing more on what's really important. Sadly, I still need a place to empty my mind of those little, sometimes insignificant, thoughts that run through my mind all day long. I am NOT a writer, nor do I intend to be one, but having a place to express yourself is fun, i think.
Whoever reads this will find that I'm complicated, yet simple. I'm a unique individual in a galaxy composed of billions if not trillions of other unique people, places and things. And even after knowing this, it is important to remember that above all, I'm In this blog you will find a little piece of what's in my mind, soul and here you will find a little piece of Italia.
P.S. Thanks to my brother's friend for suggesting the title of this blog. I'm eternally grateful!