Just four months; four short months before the inevitable comes. I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified of turning twenty years old. I have no idea why the thought of it scares me so much, I just can't help it. I am a little excited about the celebration though, I still have no idea how I'm going to celebrate my birthday or IF I'm going to celebrate it at all, but the thought of it is the only thing keeping me from going crazy. I think one of the most exciting things is waiting to blow out the candles on your cake, I've always liked that part...even if I can't put the candle out with just one blow ha! I like to wish for things that aren't always possible. These are a few things on my wish list...some are completely crazy but they're things I've always wanted (even though it might be a little too late for some of them).

Things I'll be thinking of while blowing out candles in four months:

1. I wish I'll some how turn into this eclectic type of girl who always knows what to say, how to dress, and how not to freak out and be clumsy.

2. I wish I'd stop making avoidable mistakes.

3. I wish someone...anyone... gets me the Pushing Daisies DVD (season 1 and/or 2).

4. I wish this year would be my year.

5. I wish for a David Macklovitch/Ezra Koening/Jesse Eisenberg look-a-like love interest.

6. I wish I'd become more artistic, meaning I wish I could somehow be a good painter, or singer, or dancer, ugh, any talent would be better than no talent at all!

7. I wish I could go to Coachella with my brother.

8. I wish for my hard work this year to get the DREAM Act passed not to go down the drain.

9. I wish for courage.

10. I wish for a job and car.

11. I wish for Sugar and Spice and all things nice.

12. I wish for a better Italia overall.

3 Response to "Brick, Brack"

  1. COACHELLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! a 3 day pass is all I ask for.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love this video, very creative. I also want to go to Coachella, but I guess it has to wait until next year.

  3. Wow, Italia. You are quite the protagonist. Aren’t we all quite the same? Sometimes it feels like that’s all the world is – a protuberance of protagonists. My novel of listlessness and unworthiness has reached a new chapter in the past two hours. You. It started off as a surf on the net all towards calm waves, but I ended up smashing into your rocks, neither injured nor threatened i kept reading each word anxiously wanting to know more. I always told myself that there were things of marvel right in my own little comprehension of the world but just now I only figured how right I was. I wish it were just as easy as being the fat bully on The Simpsons and point at you while I recited the ever so powerful “Hah Hah!”, but I think it means more to me to tell you that you have an audience. As *merrily* as I watched – read, contemplated, listened --, a new voice in my head tells me differing thoughts of *life being but a dream*. The mentality in this complete incident will surely changed things for me in the fact that I’ll keep reading and hope you keep writing. But don’t think I expect anything from you. It would’ve been easier to just say I understand only a portion of what you’re going through, but I want you to know that I can care, if you let me. Same goes for a lot of people around you. I can’t speak for many others, but there are people just like you that want to get passed this charade era of materialistic events, some of which revolve around a simple smile, pretend or genuine. If fake smiles and weak laughs are what it takes to get through school and home, then I understand why everyone uses them. I just want you to know that even though your experiences may be more momentous specifically for you than those of others, we all want to just get past it all. How wonderful it would be just to wake up and be a distance away from here that gives us a peace of mind. How great would it be if we had good jobs and were in a loving relationship with someone significant. How magnificent it would be just to LIVE. Nevertheless, no matter how much of a real life we’ll have then, there’ll always be a part of us that wishes we had that earlier. A part of us that wishes there was some authenticity in those laughs, thoughtfulness in those smiles and whatever else we fabricate to survive youth. A part of us that could say “at least one person knew my story and the real me, yet, accepted me for it”. I could be that person. So could Anyone else… why not? Negative things are positive in their glory, so in conclusion, I just hope you have a happy rest of the month/year/day/ hour/second and at the end of it, you can look past all the negative and see some positive in what goes through your mind because as much as it seems that people don’t care, they do.

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