Have you ever had those moments in which you're staring into pure nothingness, and that nothingness seems to be the most peaceful little piece of heaven you've had all day...or maybe all week...maybe even all month?
That nothing gives you an escape from all the clutter in your head things that you really don't wanna think about but you do anyways because you're tired of thinking of yourself as a procrastinator, of saying "I'll just think about it later..." a phrase that just gives you temporary satisfaction. You think about it because if you don't then you feel like people think you don't care when you actually do, and you do care a lot but you're just not good at showing your emotions.
During those few seconds of staring into deep space, of resting your eyes without actually closing them you imagine all sorts of things, mostly happy things. Things that you know won't happen in a very long time and you know they shouldn't happen for a very long time but you can't help and wish that you could fast foward through all the lessons, the mistakes, the choices you had to make to get there. And you wish this because you don't wanna have to deal with it anymore, you just want to enjoy a carefree life, you want to enjoy being older and independent and you want to find out what's like to have all the things you promised yourself you'd have.
You look into space to get away from the idea that you seem to be taking a different road than all those around you. You want to get away from the idea that you feel like it is time to slowly say goodbye to those you consider friends but sometimes feel like acquaintances, and you look into space to forget that maybe it is your fault that you feel this way but then think that it isn't.
And during those last few seconds before you realize that you're staring into thin air you take a deep breath and you gain courage to go back to reality, to all those cool and the not so cool things that make up your day.
And then
puuuff the moments gone, but you feel different, you feel like you soul has rested, like you can and will get through the day because you
are that awesome!
I love "reading" men magazines like Details, GQ (well, I don't know if GQ is exclusively for men, probably not) , and Nylon for men because they always have really awesome pictures of really cute models. I love looking at the photographs because they always portray men as classy, educated, well dressed, you know....the type of men you don't ever see anymore.
"Every morning I used to wake up and think that what made us different was the constant fear, the uncertainty, and the unknown struggles we face very single day, but this morning I woke up and realized that what makes US different is our strength, our determination, and the willingness that is born in our hearts to fight for millions" -Italia A.
What can I say? I do get inspired from time to time haha!
Poema para EL.
By Carla Morrison
Tu el portador de mi arca.
Hoy olvidare todos tus defectos
hoy recordare todos los encuentros
que tuvimos mientras me enamorabas
hoy me sumergire en tus brazos
y de ahi no pensare en salir...
Hoy te mirare a los ojos fijamente
hasta convertirme en polvo
porque eso fui y en eso me converti.
Me dedicare a ser el vuelo entre
tus alas,
hoy guardare todo mi aire
para que tu respires.
Hoy me jugare la vida
para que tu sobrevivas,
hoy inventare una receta
para hacerte una comida
que contenga todas mis virtudes
y secretos y sea de ti
un curador enguento.
Hoy te perdonare todas las peleas
absurdas a las que preste atencion
para obtener tu reaccion porque
como tu no hay replica.
Hoy te dire que nunca antes
ame a alguien igual..
Siempre seras el muso de mis poemas
y seras el emblema de mi amor
porque estas tan en mi interior
siempre enterrado en mi corazon
te amo tanto mi amor.
I found this poem in Carla Morrison's Blog. It never ceases to amaze me how much talent this girl has!

An Education came out on DVD last week and my hands had been burning ever since to get a copy, thank goodness for
Netflix! I finally watched it this weekend and I thought it was a great film! I really liked the plot and how they developed the story but, what I loved most was the music and the costume design!!! The early sixties seemed like such a liberating era. It seems like a time when girls began to want to think, act, and do things themselves and the fashion clearly symbolizes this! I fell completely in love with the dresses that Jenny, the main character, wore; all those floral dresses, the coats, the shoes, the hair...they're all to die for! They are so simple but yet so sophisticated, I don't know, there's just something so whimsical about them.
There is this scene where Jenny is laying on her bedroom floor and and you could see that she had a floral carpet...I wish I could get one!
Another thing I loved was the soundtrack. Most of the music in the film is music that would have been heard in the early 60s which I really liked! That music reminds me of simpler times, when going going to dance was an important occasion worth of your most breath taking dress. People had class and style back then and I think it's such a shame that we've lost that!