It's been a few weeks since summer began and I just came up with a list of things I want to accomplish in the next few months before I become a bookworm again. This is my list:
Read my Biology books and not be ashamed because I don't know the basic material
Learn how to say NO
Run/Walk at least two miles everyday
Lose 30 lbs by the time summer's over
Re-read the twilight saga (I know...shame on me)
Watch as many movies as I can
Look up requirements for transferring schools
Women Who Run With The Wolves which a teacher recommended in high school and recently saw on a blog that reminded me of it.
Finally understand that the chance for somethings (more like one thing) to happen are really slim and almost nonexistent
Do a lot of advocacy for the DREAM Act
Be a better sister, daughter and friend
Start doing things because I want to do them and not because I think I have to do them
Read a lot
Listen to music a lot
Hopefully I get to do all of the things in my list. Wish me luck!
"No youth should be barred from pursuing their dreams if they are willing to work hard. That is the basis of the DREAM Act. Each year it doesn't pass, another estimated 70,000 undocumented students graduate from high school with little hope for higher education. Ten years adds up to a lost generation."Is this really what we want? A generation of hardworking students who have the desire, the drive, the willingness to do great things for America, students who believe themselves to be American in every sense of the word but who are denied of the basic American rights? We need something like the
DREAM Act now!!!
The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act) is a bipartisan legislation that would allow certain students who currently do not have a legal status in the United states to gain a pathway to residency and eventually citizenship. Unlike any sort of immigration bill, the DREAM Act would only benefit those students that were brought to the United States before the age of 16, have lived in the U.S. for at least five continuous years, and who have graduated from high school and are pursuing a college education. There are A LOT of requirements to this bill, contrary to what many people believe.
We are talking about students who graduate at the top of their class, athletes, leaders, students who want to make a difference in their communities! Why not give them that chance? Personally, I think that not being able to go to college because of your legal status is ridiculous. I believe anyone should have the right to better themselves and to contribute to society!
Here are
8 reason's why we need to pass the Dream Act THIS YEAR!!!!The DREAM Act has been introduced in Congress for 10 years now without making it to the President's desk. One of Obama's promises was to work for the Dream...let's see if he keeps his word.
If you would like to know how you can help go
here. If you live in Arizona, visit the
Arizona Dream Act Coalition's page to see how you can take action.
Waste my life away. I just re-opened my twitter account, and I still have my formspring account.
Sigh...this summer is looking very promising. ha!
I've always found relationship stuff very difficult to handle, maybe because I haven't had much experience in that area but it seems like there's only two options: happiness or heartache. I think
In for the Kill by La Roux is a perfect title to describe the dating scene. It's like when you like someone at first...well most of the're not sure if they like you too. The uncertainty of the situation is unbearable, but in the end they either like you or not and in the process of finding out your heart can flourish in ways you never knew existed or it could be "withered by the sun." Yes, I'm being a bit melodramatic but like I said, I haven't had much experience so I'm only guessing here.
For me it's always been hard to find out if a guy I like likes me too because, when I like someone I usually ignore them, I try not to talk to them or have anything to do with them for the fear of him knowing that I like him. Stupid, I know! I just don't know how to deal with those situations, and I'm not sure if or how I can deal with rejection, but then again how will I know if I never put my feelings out there?
If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm writing this blog because I'm starting to develop somewhat of a crush on someone. I'll make nothing more out of this for now, I guess. But this recent development had me thinking about my past "friendships" and it seems like I never open my heart enough, people are able to get a peak inside but they never get the full's always more comfortable this way, but I
need change and I need it now!
I'm entering into this phase where I'm trying..and trying really change. I want to be this open, loving person. I want to be more attentive, more responsible, more loving, have better relationships with people. It's a slow process but hopefully it will lead me to a happy stage in my future, a future where being honest about your feelings doesn't seem like a war zone you can get out of alive or die trying.

Oliver Sim. The XX
Someone like him, including the british accent.

Even though I've taken some human development classes and sociology of adolescence in college it still amazes me how much and how quickly the human mind changes. It's crazy how the brain controls
every single part, emotion and action of the human body. Among those emotions are mood swings, you know..those things teenagers are really fond of. Is it weird that I'm almost 20 and I still consider myself a teenager? I'd like to think not! But anyhow, I find it weird how when I was younger nothing really bothered me, nothing offended me, nothing made me furious...but now..oh boy!!! Almost EVERYTHING bothers me, most things could be turned into offensive comments and a lot of things make me furious. Is that a part of growing up? Realizing that life is not a fairytale?
Maybe because it wasn't until long that I started having to take part into family decisions, having to do things by myself, having to deal with things on my own, and giving advice to friends...ugh I sometimes really hate giving advice to friends...especially if they're pessimistic. I hate pessimistic no matter how much you try to cheer them up they
won't listen, I think that's one of my biggest pet peeves. Why can't people think "things will get better soon...have a little bit of faith" more often?
Sigh...see what I'm talking about? I think I've turned into somewhat of a bitch. Excuse my french. hehe.
I hope my brain still has a bit of changing in it so that when I'm older I can see things clearer. I want to feel old
and wise, not just old.
In other more exciting and totally unrealated news....SUMMER HAS BEGUN!!!! so, soooooo exciting. I can't wait to see what summer has in store for me. Hopefully a lot of good things. What are your summer plans?