Tell me if this isn’t the cutest book you’ve ever seen! I'm sort of a very visual person, and whomever designed this cover has my unconditional love. Look at the colors...and the bird, anything that has a bird on it is absolutely stunning! Haha, yes...I know I'm talking about a book.
This also has a very special meaning to me however. I’ve been taking a Global Warming course this semester and I am completely fascinated by it. To tell you the truth, I don’t think we can ignore this issue anymore, and anyone who does is illiterate and doesn’t want to accept the facts. Back in the mid-1800s someone must have thought Charles Darwin was crazy when he published “On the Origin of Species,” and now we know him the as the father of evolutionary biology.
I would be a hypocrite if I said I don’t contribute to further global warming, but I think that the change is coming along quite well, we can’t expect things to positively change in a few months or years, but if we don’t do something now we might never ever…ever be able to recover from our foolish actions today.
I want this book SOOOO bad, hahaha I guess I am judging the book by it’s cover but ahhhh who can resists to the beauty of it…I’m sure the inside is just as beautiful!
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