I'm a Cyborg, But that's OK, is an amazing North Korean film directed and written by Chan-wook Park, starring Su-jeong Lim and Rain (who you might recognize from Ninja Assassin).
North Korea is starting to be called "the new Hollywood" because of it's great cinematography, and I'm a Cyborg, But that's OK is the prime example of that. This movie introduces us to the story of Young-goon (Su-jeong Lim), a girl who suffers a traumatic experience after her grandmother is sent to a psychiatric hospital for believing she is a mouse. After this, Young-goon soon comes to an important self-realization: she is not completely human! She believes is also a cyborg, or a robot as she explains to her mother, a robot who is desperately trying to find the purpose for her existence.
After Young-goons confession to her mother, she has no other option than to be sent to a psychiatric hospital, where the rest of the story takes place. In the hospital, goon meets a peculiar character...Park Il-sun (Rain) who is one of the patients there. He has admitted himself at the hospital four times in the past five years after not being able to cope with his schizophrenia. He also believes he can steal essential parts of a soul...kindness, sympathy, ping-pong skills, a perfect voice, and even things like socks that can make you fly. Together, Young-goon and Park Il-sun take us through an amazing journey of how to cope with emotional and psychological issues while, at the same time, making us laugh and cry at their silliness.

If you have seen...and loved Amelie, and The Science of Sleep then you will definitely like this out of the ordinary quirky story of survival. You will be able to find the entire film on Youtube, it is divided into eleven 10 minute parts that make it well worth your while! You can also watch the trailer by clicking on the picture above. I really really really hope you enjoy this film, because it instantly became one of my favorite films ever!

2 Response to "I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I'm going to have to check this movie out. I was gonna ask you and Eddie if you guys don't mind writing a list down for me of movies you would recommend..please. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Italia says:

    Yes, of course!!! :) I'll make a list of movies...Eddie and I haven't seen a lot of them lately but we'll definitely make you a list :)

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