Those people out there that say things like "I don't have a type, if I like a person I like them if i don't, then i don't" are completely lying!!! All of us have a type. Lately I've been thinking about the type of boys that I like.
I've gathered a list of a few things that appeal to me in men like, for example, thick framed glasses. Black, thick frame glasses make some guys look incredibly adorable. Wavy, dark hair. A scruffy, five o'clock shadow. Boys that dress with plaid shirts, jeans that are fitted and straight legged (not skinny jeans!), top siders or sneakers that are well taken care of, leather jackets or any type of jacket that seems warm and fitted and if they're wearing a pea coat that's even better. They also have to be taller AND older than me, with broad shoulders and back. And of course, nice, caring, open about certain issues, romantic, be able to express their feelings, someone who has manners and is a gentleman, someone who shows interest in my interests and doesn't think I'm dumb. A guy who looks like Dallas Green, David Macklovitch, Daniel Erick Gold, David Henry, Adam Samberg, Michael Cera, Josh Groban, Gil Cerezo, John Krasinski , Josuah Radin or Jason Schwartzman. See the pattern? Ha!
The last couple of weeks I've been noticing a guy that fits most of these characteristics at my school. There hasn't been a real connection with him, but in the mean time, I wish I could meet and fall for someone that looks like this guy:

I've gathered a list of a few things that appeal to me in men like, for example, thick framed glasses. Black, thick frame glasses make some guys look incredibly adorable. Wavy, dark hair. A scruffy, five o'clock shadow. Boys that dress with plaid shirts, jeans that are fitted and straight legged (not skinny jeans!), top siders or sneakers that are well taken care of, leather jackets or any type of jacket that seems warm and fitted and if they're wearing a pea coat that's even better. They also have to be taller AND older than me, with broad shoulders and back. And of course, nice, caring, open about certain issues, romantic, be able to express their feelings, someone who has manners and is a gentleman, someone who shows interest in my interests and doesn't think I'm dumb. A guy who looks like Dallas Green, David Macklovitch, Daniel Erick Gold, David Henry, Adam Samberg, Michael Cera, Josh Groban, Gil Cerezo, John Krasinski , Josuah Radin or Jason Schwartzman. See the pattern? Ha!
The last couple of weeks I've been noticing a guy that fits most of these characteristics at my school. There hasn't been a real connection with him, but in the mean time, I wish I could meet and fall for someone that looks like this guy:

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