Those people out there that say things like "I don't have a type, if I like a person I like them if i don't, then i don't" are completely lying!!! All of us have a type. Lately I've been thinking about the type of boys that I like.
I've gathered a list of a few things that appeal to me in men like, for example, thick framed glasses. Black, thick frame glasses make some guys look incredibly adorable. Wavy, dark hair. A scruffy, five o'clock shadow. Boys that dress with plaid shirts, jeans that are fitted and straight legged (not skinny jeans!), top siders or sneakers that are well taken care of, leather jackets or any type of jacket that seems warm and fitted and if they're wearing a pea coat that's even better. They also have to be taller AND older than me, with broad shoulders and back. And of course, nice, caring, open about certain issues, romantic, be able to express their feelings, someone who has manners and is a gentleman, someone who shows interest in my interests and doesn't think I'm dumb. A guy who looks like Dallas Green, David Macklovitch, Daniel Erick Gold, David Henry, Adam Samberg, Michael Cera, Josh Groban, Gil Cerezo, John Krasinski , Josuah Radin or Jason Schwartzman. See the pattern? Ha!
The last couple of weeks I've been noticing a guy that fits most of these characteristics at my school. There hasn't been a real connection with him, but in the mean time, I wish I could meet and fall for someone that looks like this guy:


New video from La Roux. She never ceases to impress.
"I'm not your toy." Couldn't have said it better myself!

Atonement is one of my favorite movies. It is a favorite of mine not only because it's photography is absolutely breath taking but also because I think the entire movie is based on "what if..'s". You can't help but wonder what would've happened between Cecelia and Robbie if Briony hadn't done what she did. It makes you realize that this world is filled with misunderstandings and frustrated love stories. It seems like you have to suffer before something good can reach you, and in Atonement nothing good ever did.
[Sigh]Anyway, I wanted to mention this movie because this week has been extremely hard for me. My life seems to have become so hectic all of the sudden and the weight of my responsibilities are making it almost impossible to keep moving forward. Throughout week and last I've realized that being an adult and taking charge of your own life is difficult and exhausting but, like I said in previous posts, it is a part of growing up. This week has been especially hard because I can't help to feel like no matter what I do, nothing ever comes out right. I hope this wave of wave of negativeness goes away soon or else I'll loose my mind.
I keep on wondering about tons of what ifs and I hate it. I wonder what would've happened if I had not lost my head over "things" that will seem dumb in few months from now. I can't help feeling guilty because I know I would've made life easier for me if I hadn't gone head over heels...I wouldn't have let others down either. What if I had put a little more effort into school? What if I would have decided to extract all the unnecessary components from my life that make it hard to keep my head up? What if I had realized sooner that I was falling into the wrong path? What if I had done a little better in my classes? What if i could brag about being a good student and a good person? AND THE LIST KEEPS GOING AND GOING.
Thinking about all this drains me.
This week I received really good advice from a girl I hardly know. It still amazes me how nice people are, they give so much without really knowing you. She told me that I really need to stop judging and forgive myself for anything I might have done because this is the only way to start on a clean slate and start breathing again. Her words were like medicine. Following her advice is hard, but I am determined to follow it. Ever since her advice I've decided to focus on the good stuff that happens each day. Like for example having gone to Ximena Sarinana's concert, spending time with my brother each day of my life, spending time with my parents and hugging them each morning, and having family group hugs. I love the fact that today my parents bought me my favorite snack so I could eat it as soon as I got in the car after being picked up from school, it completely made my day and erased all the crap that happened. All these little things overpower the bad ones.
So while it seems like the world will never cease to have sad love stories, or people who confuse everything for what it's not, and no matter how impossible the idea of stop living in the era of the what ifs and the self-reproach seems, it is quite necessary to learnt to get rid of all these things and negative thoughts. Why not focus on the positive things, the things that make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside? It is necessary and essential, it is the only way to avoid ending up like Briony.

Kate Nash has been famous for a while now, but I just listened to her after a dear friend suggested her to me and I completely love her music, lyrics, and style!!! I've always dreamed of having an apartment like the one in this video and dressing like her.

This week began off to a really bad start. Getting yelled at by my mom. Almost failed an exam. Wasn't able to finish a lab report that's worth some significant points. Realized that sometimes friends aren't there when you need them. I guess all these things don't mix too well when you already feel like a failure.
"Today's barely Tuesday and the week is already so crappy," I thought as I was walking to my teacher's office this morning, which I then stepped out from feeling even more like an idiot. But as I was walking to class from my teacher's office something weird happened, something really unexplainable and wild.
All of the sudden, as I was walking (with head down looking at the floor), I felt like I stepped through this really warm air bubble; I stepped in it and stepped right out after only two or three steps. I am not quite sure how to explain it in such a way that makes sense...all I can say is that even though it lasted for like a second it was enough to wake me up and make me realize I had just experienced something weird.
I don't think I'll ever know what that warm "aura" was, but I would like to think it was something heavenly. Maybe...maybe not. My day did end up getting much better afterwards.
What guy wears a bow-tie anymore?! Especially while performing an electro-funk show? Dave-1 from CHROMEO does!!!!! And he looks amazing while doing so. I love David Macklovitch's (a.k.a Dave-1) style. The fitted suits, the dressy shoes without socks, ray-bans, scruffy beard, kick-a** hair, the readers, and that casanova-i will rock your world-french persona!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE leather jackets, and I also love it when men wear bow-ties so you can imagine the type of heart palpitations I got when I saw Dave wearing both at the same time.
On my Christmas wishing list this year:
1. A Leather Jacket
2. Boots, bags, pump shoes

heart·beat (härt'bÄt') n. A single complete pulsation of the heart; A vital force or driving impulse; An instant.

Röyksopp 'This Must Be It' from Röyksopp on Vimeo.

by Marianne Williamson.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."